Photography and filming at North East Museums

We encourage you to share your personal experience of your visit on social media, provided it is for private, non-commercial purposes. Use this page to learn about our guidelines for photography and filming at our venues.

Photography guidelines

Kodak instamatic 33 camera from a museum collection

If you are taking photographs or making films in our venues, we ask that: 

  • You are considerate and respect the privacy and safety of those around you, including our staff.
  • You do not touch, mark or damage the objects on display
  • You do not use specialist photography equipment such as tripods, stands, external flashes and drones without contacting us first
  • You only photograph or film people in your group. For safeguarding reasons you must not photograph people you do not know, including children, young people and adults at risk. We will ask you to stop if we think you are doing this. We will ask you to leave if you continue to photograph people you don't know. 
  • You credit the copyright holder for any in-copyright works featured in your photographs or films
  • You do not use flashes in areas where there are artworks or objects that may be sensitive to light conditions
  • On the rare occasion that all photography and filming is prohibited within an exhibition or specific parts of the museum/grounds, you respect those conditions. 

Commercial photography and filming

We encourage you to share your personal experience of your visit on social media, provided it is for private, non-commercial purposes. 

Non-commercial means that it is not for, or dedicated towards, commercial advantage or private monetary compensation. 

Examples of commercial photography include: 

  • Promoting brands 
  • Paid photographic work, eg product/fashion photoshoots
  • Revenue generating posts such as branded advertising, or including paid for/affiliated links.

If you do want to take photographs or film for commercial purposes, please contact us at: 

When taking photographs or filming in our museums or galleries, you may be approached by our staff and asked about the purpose of your photography or filming. 

Please get in touch if you have any questions: