Communities research, projects and placements
We have excellent relationships with our local universities as well as national and international institutions.

We are committed to taking part in, partnering and leading on research opportunities. It’s vital that we keep on progressing, asking questions and developing as an organisation and contributing to our sector and communities.
We have excellent relationships with our local universities as well as national and international institutions.
We have a particular interest in Culture, Health and Wellbeing and how we develop creative practice with colleagues from the Health and Care sectors.
Recent research we have been involved with
- Cultural Heritage for Wellbeing - FARO the Flemish interface centre for cultural heritage, 2019
- Development of the ‘Museum Health and Social Care Service’ to promote the use of arts and cultural activities by health and social care professionals caring for older people - Northumbria University, 2020
- Exchange: Community-led Collections Research - National Museums Scotland and North East Museums, ongoing
- Not so Grim up North - Arts Council of England and Whitworth Gallery Manchester, 2018
- The Museum as a Space of Social Care - Nuala Morse, 2020
- Imagine Connected Communities - Durham University, 2017
- Museum Activism - Sharon Heal and Museums Association 2019
We work with partners in the Culture, Health and Heritage sector on innovative and pioneering projects.
Not So Grim Up North (2015-2018)
Not So Grim Up North investigated the health and wellbeing impact of museum and gallery activities for three audience groups:
- People living with dementia
- Stroke survivors
- Mental health service-users (including addiction recovery service-users).
The research project was a collaboration between University College London (UCL) and museum partners: Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester Museum, and North East Museums, funded by Arts Council England.
“The Research findings from Not So Grim Up North shows how museum and clinical staff are able to enhance each other’s services and how using arts and cultural initiatives have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of patients.” Kristie Pearson - Occupational Therapist at the Centre for the Health of the Elderly at Newcastle General Hospital
Slow Museums
We worked with Slow Shopping founder, Katherine Vero, to develop Slow Museums - creating a safe and supportive environment in our venues for people with anxiety, communication or literacy difficulties, older people, those living with dementia as well as those with more visible disabilities.
“Visiting a museum or gallery can stimulate new conversations. To be able to engage with history, culture and art is so valuable. We aim to encourage those who feel isolated, anxious or who lack confidence to come and engage with culture and to start the steps back to a full and healthy life.” Katherine Vero – Slow Museums

We currently offer exciting student placement opportunities for undergraduates and postgraduates.
Students are invited to immerse themselves in our organisation; to learn, gain practical experience and design creative interventions.
Recent placements have included students from Northumbria University, Newcastle University and Leicester University on courses as diverse as Adult Nursing, Cultural Management, History and Occupational Therapy.
Find out more
To find out more, contact: Sophie Mitchell