TWAM Development Trust Privacy Notice

This privacy notice provides information on what personal information we collect from you, how and why it is collected, when and with whom it might be shared, and how long it will be kept. It also provides information on your rights to decide how it might be used, how you can access it, require it to be deleted and corrected and your rights to complain.  

It is produced in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. It is to be read in conjunction with North East Museums' Privacy NoticeMailing List Privacy Notice and the TWAM Enterprises’ Privacy Notice.

This privacy notice had been drafted with brevity and clarity in mind. It does not provide exhaustive detail of all aspects of TWAM Development Trust’s (TWAMDT) collection or use of personal data. We will provide additional information at the point we seek to collect personal data for any other purpose not covered below and we are happy to provide any further explanation on any area of this notice if required. 

Who we are

TWAM Development Trust (TWAMDT) (company number 7334262 and registered with the Charity Commission under charity number 1137867) raises funds from individual donors, trusts and foundations to support its charitable activities. 

The objectives of the Trust are: 

  • to advance the education of the public (particularly, but not limited to those within Tyne & Wear) by encouraging them to participate in and contribute to the activities of an archive and museum service managed by North East Museums (formerly Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums - TWAM) and to value it for the positive impact that it makes upon their lives; 
  • to advance art, culture, heritage and science by supporting North East Museums to establish and maintain a world class archive and museum service that is accessible and enlightening; 
  • to contribute to the advancement of civic responsibility and good citizenship by supporting North East Museums to help to equip people with the capacity to understand and operate successfully in society; and 
  • such other charitable purpose beneficial to the community consistent with the objectives above as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion determine. 

Newcastle City Council is the lead authority and is registered with the Information Commissioner as the Data Controller, with overall responsibility for the collection and processing of your personal information by the Trust. 

The Data Protection Officer for Newcastle City Council is Phil Slater:  


Newcastle City Council  
Audit, Risk and Insurance 
Civic Centre 
Newcastle Upon Tyne 
NE99 1RD 


Tel: 0191 2116511 

How we use your information 

Data given to the TWAM DT is processed, on its behalf, by North East Museums. You can find a link to our privacy notice here: 

The Trust carries out its objectives by raising funds from individual donors, trusts and foundations to support a wide variety of museum activities. In doing so, the Trust is able to help North East Museums to achieve its strategic vision of ensuring everyone has access to museum provision, are able to use this access and to value it for the significant and positive impact that it makes upon their lives. 

If you make a donation, you will be asked whether you are happy to receive updates about North East Museums or fundraising at TWAMDT. Unless you opt into our mailing lists, we will not send marketing information to you. You may also be asked whether you wish to Gift Aid your donation. If you do, your name and address will be shared with HMRC for processing purposes. North East Museums may use your information in order to continue to improve our understanding of our target audiences and of our supporters, and to improve the services that we offer.  

TWAMDT collects information for various purposes as outlined below: 

  • To provide you with information about our events, exhibitions, courses, activities or services and those of our partner organisations: Newcastle Gateshead Cultural Venues (NGCV) and The Late Shows. This is primarily done via our free, mailing list (please see the Mailing list Privacy Notice, for more information). 
  • To gather feedback through Surveys or evaluation forms 
  • To process Freedom of Information Requests  
  • To respond to queries, comments or complaints 
  • To seek permission for the use of Photographs, Video or Audio recordings 
  • To process donations of money and to process Gift Aid submissions 
  • To provide you with ticket or registration information for events, workshops and exhibitions  
  • To carry out research to understand more about the people who support TWAMDT, so it can make appropriate requests to prospective supporters. 
  • In the case of major gifts, TWAMDT is signed up to North East Museums' Ethics Policy which describes the due diligence process needed in these circumstances.  
  • The Trust may share some information with TWAM Enterprises, (company number 10940488) if you contact us with a query relating to our venue hire or catering provision. TWAM Enterprises manages some commercial activities for North East Museums such as retailing, catering and venue hire.  

Lawful bases for processing data and how long we keep your information 

The GDPR states that personal data can only be processed if there is a legal reason to do so. 

The GDPR provides six legal grounds under which personal information can be processed lawfully and stipulates that an organisation’s privacy notice must include reference to this. 

The lawful bases that are relevant to the Trust’s use of your personal information are: 

a) Consent: the individual has given clear consent to process their personal data for a specific purpose; 

c) Legal Obligation: the processing is necessary to comply with the law (not including contractual obligations). 

f) Legitimate Interests: the processing is necessary for the data processors legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party unless there is a good reason to protect the individual’s personal data which overrides those legitimate interests.  

The retention periods for our standard data processing are set out below. If we intend to process data for any other purpose, you will be advised of the retention period at the point the data is collected.  

Data processing purposeType of data collectedLawful basis for processingStandard retention period
To provide you with information about our events, exhibitions, courses, activities or services and those of our partner organisations: Newcastle Gateshead Cultural Venues (NGCV) and The Late Shows. This is primarily done via our free, mailing list. (Please see the Mailing list Privacy Notice, for more information). Name and contact details along with information you give us about your interest in any of our museums and galleries, the programmes they provide and your preferences and attitudes.  a5 years
To gather feedback through surveys or evaluation formsName, address, contact detailsa6 months after end of project / event
To process Freedom of Information requestsName, address, email; occasionally personal info relating to enquiryc3 years
To respond to queries, comments or complaintsPotentially covers all types of personal data.     a6 months
To seek permission for the use of Photographs, Video or Audio recordings Name and email addressa3 years
To process donations of money and to process Gift Aid submissions Name and email address  
c7 years
To provide ticket or registration information for events, workshops and exhibitions  Full name, phone number, email address or contact address  a6 months
To carry out research to understand more about the people who support TWAMDT, so it can make appropriate requests to prospective supporters. f

Access to personal information and correction

Whilst we strive at all times to ensure that your personal information is accurate and up to date, we recognise that on occasions we may get it wrong or your details may change. You can ask us to correct or remove your personal information by contacting us as detailed below in the “How to contact us” section. 

You can request a copy of information that we hold about you, by submitting a request in writing as set out in the 'How to contact us' section below. 

How to contact us

TWAMDT aims to meet the highest standards when collecting and using personal information. We will not prioritise our interests as an organisation over your interests as an individual. We will always aim to balance our interests with your rights. We will only use personal information in a way and for a purpose that is in accordance with this notice. For these reasons, we take any correspondence we receive very seriously.  

You may opt out from receiving marketing communications from us, change your contact preferences or ask to have your personal data removed or corrected in our records at any time by writing to us at: Development, North East Museums, Discovery Museum, Blandford Square, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4JA, or by sending an email to  

If you wish to make a complaint, request further explanation about any issues relating to this privacy notice, or make a suggestion for improving our processes relating to the way we use personal data, then please contact us at or in writing at the following address: Corporate Governance, North East Museums, Discovery Museum, Blandford Square, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4JA.  

If you are not satisfied with our response, or you feel we have not answered within a reasonable timescale, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office, or the Fundraising Regulator, using the details outlined in the section below. 

Fundraising Regulator

If you have a complaint about our fundraising activity, you can contact the Fundraising Regulator:

Information Commissioner’s Office 

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is the UK’s independent body set up to uphold information rights. You can make a complaint to the ICO about our use of your information at any time on 0303 123 1113 or via their website at Of course, we'd like to try and help you with any problems you are having first, so please consider raising any issue or complaint you have with North East Museums first. Your satisfaction with our services is very important to all of us and we will always strive to resolve any problems and complaints you have wherever possible. 

Changes to this privacy notice 

We keep our privacy notice under regular review. You are advised to visit this page periodically in order to keep up to date with any changes. By continuing to use our services you will be deemed to have accepted such changes. 

This privacy notice was last updated on 24 January 2025.