Tyneside museums want pictures of your rainbows
“We’d like people to email us a picture of their rainbow that they may have in their window on display.”
Museums in Tyneside are keen to collect images of the rainbows that households across the region have made and displayed.
Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums (TWAM) has collections from throughout history that represent the ordinary lives of Tynesiders; this work is ongoing, and they need to collect to represent our lives today.
Over the next few months (and years) the museum and archives service will be capturing ways the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the lives of people living in Tyneside.
Kylea Little, Keeper of History at TWAM said:
“We want to make sure that the archive and museum collections represent this critical moment in all our lives by collecting objects and stories that show how COVID-19 is affecting lives on Tyneside.
“We’d like people to email us a picture of their rainbow that they may have in their window on display.”
“We can only accept images / information sent digitally at this point in time. Our museums are closed and we cannot accept any post or deliveries.”
Please email Helen.Vasey@twmuseums.org.uk if you live in Newcastle, Gateshead or North Tyneside, and Adam Bell if you live in South Tyneside adam.bell@twmuseums.org.uk.
Please email if you’d like to suggest something you have that you may think TWAM would be interested in collecting once the government guidance advises it is safe to do so.
Museums may not be able to collect everything that is offered as they must represent as many different stories as possible.
All museums and archives managed by TWAM are currently closed in line with the government guidance on managing the current health crisis.
To keep up with news at your local museums and to hear more about what we'll be collecting in the future please sign up to mustseemuseums.org.uk and check social media to keep up to date.