The Future Of Civic Museums Seminar - Friday 25 January 2019

Seminar: The Future of Civic Museums, 25 January 2019 at the V&A, London

You are invited to The Future of Civic Museums seminar on Friday 25 January 2019 from 10am (registration, formal start 10:30am) until 4:30pm at the V&A, London.  

The format for the day will incorporate a series of presentations in the morning followed in the afternoon by workshop sessions.

We’re delighted to announce that our confirmed speakers are:
Dr Tristram Hunt, Director - V&A
Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive – RSA
Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson CBE – Chair, Local Government Association, Culture and Sport Committee
Andrew Barnett, Director - UK Branch of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Ros Kerslake, Chief Executive – Heritage Lottery Fund
Peter Latchford, Chief Executive – Black Radley
In July 2018, the English Civic Museums Network (ECMN) published a new report: The Future of Civic Museums: A Think Piece.

The think piece, authored by Peter Latchford of Black Radley Ltd, was commissioned to examine the particular qualities, value and importance of civic museums, identify the current challenges they face and explore what they should do to thrive and become more relevant and resilient in the future. Latchford argues that to survive, civic museums must see themselves as part of the wider ecology that surrounds them, building a sense of place, rather than caring for collections in splendid isolation. 

ECMN, supported by the National Museum Directors' Council (NMDC) are organising  the event to discuss the think piece, and engage a wider audience with it, including key stakeholders from outside the cultural sector. We also aim to debate the purpose of civic museums as articulated by Peter and set an agenda for how we take forward the recommendations of the think piece.

We hope you will join us for this important event. Please book here to reserve your place.

Further information about the report:

Directions to the event venue
Iain Watson
Vice-Chair, National Museum Directors’ Council
Director, Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums
Discovery Museum, Blandford Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4JA
Kim Streets
Chief Executive, Museums Sheffield
Leader House, Surrey Street, Sheffield, S1 2LH
Tony Butler
Executive Director, Derby Museums 
Derby Museum and Art Gallery, The Strand, Derby, DE1 1BS 

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