Practising Mindful Practice – new podcast resource for heritage professionals launches

"Practising Mindful Practice supports both those who are new to mental health and addiction recovery work, and those who have already started their journey and want to develop it further."

A woman talking to a group as part of a museum workshop.

A new podcast resource for museum and heritage professionals interested in developing mental health and addiction recovery programmes has launched.

Practising Mindful Practice is a six-part audio series funded by The Baring Foundation and produced by the Communities team at Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums. 

The podcast supports heritage professionals to better understand the mental health and addiction recovery sector. It also encourages collaboration so that the heritage and health sectors can work together to develop creative programmes that best serve the needs of patients and clients. 

Occupational therapists, psychotherapists, mental health specialists, museum and gallery professionals, freelance artists, academics and those with lived experience of addiction recovery are among those who share their knowledge and expertise in interviews across the podcast series.  

Key themes and challenges explored in the podcast include:  

  • Co-designing heritage programmes with health professionals and participants 
  • Linking heritage collections to clinical and care outcomes 
  • Safeguarding staff in clinical and community settings 
  • Using creative interventions and demonstrating impact. 

Clara Shield, Assistant Outreach Officer and Wellbeing Programme Lead at Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, said: 

“We hope that heritage professionals will find the Practising Mindful Practice podcast useful, meaningful and thought-provoking. We've created it to support both those who are new to mental health and addiction recovery work, and those who have already started their journey and want to develop it further. 

“Each podcast episode will have a downloadable crib sheet covering the key areas discussed, along with a glossary of terms and list of references to related websites, articles, publications and organisations. These extra resources will be available on the Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums and Baring Foundation websites. 

As part of the Practising Mindful Practice project, Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums commissioned North Tyneside Art Studio (NTAS) to create six pieces of artwork, one for each of the podcast episodes.  

NTAS is the only specialist art for mental health service in North Tyneside, with over 30 years' experience in the field. Based in a dedicated studio space in North Shields, it provides a safe, supportive environment where people can discover how creativity can support their mental health and personal recovery. 

To learn more about Practising Mindful Practice and Communities work at Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, please contact Clara Shield:  

Listen to the series

Media enquiries

Please contact Jonathan Loach: 

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