North East Museum Volunteer Awards - nominations now open
Do you work with a fantastic museum volunteer? Nominate them for an award...
We are very pleased to announce that Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums is once again hosting the North East Museums Volunteer Awards. The ceremony will take place on Saturday 26 November 2016 at the Great North Museum: Hancock in Newcastle.
The awards are open to volunteers (and in one catagory, staff who support volunteers) from Accredited Museums across the North East region. This is a fantastic way to show volunteers that they are a valuable addition to the work that our Museums do so well.
This year there are seven award categories to consider and nominations should be returned by Monday 17 October 2016 for judging.
If you are a staff member of an accredited Museum please download a relevant nomination form below and submit it to or send it to:
Volunteering, Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, Blandford Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4JA
The award categories are:
Engaging the Audience award
This award is for a volunteer (or team) who works in a public facing role to help engage visitors with collections, venues, programmes or events.
Click here to download the nomination form for the Engaging the Audience award
Hidden Treasures award
This award is for a volunteer (or team) who works in a behind the scenes role to support exhibitions or collections care.
Click here to download the nomination form for the Hidden Treasures award
Supporting Volunteers award
This award is for a paid member of staff and is nominated by volunteers.
Click here to download the nomination form for the Supporting Volunteers award
Young Volunteer award
This award is for a volunteer under the age of 25 who has excelled in any category.
Click here to download the nomination form for the Young Volunteer award
Inspiring Visitors award
This award is for a volunteer (or team) who has worked in a learning support role to help visitors understand museum collections and get the best out of them.
Click here to download the nomination form for the Inspiring Visitors award
Making the Ask award
This award is for a volunteer (or team) who has brought in additional monies through either fundraising, sponsorship, or donations.
Click here to download the nomination form for the Making the Ask award
Outside the Box award
This award is for a volunteer (or team) who has developed a new project, a new working practice, a new way of looking at collections or a new way of interpreting them.
Click here to download the nomination form for the Outside the Box award