Help museums give children and young people the very best start
"One donation, twice the impact!"
Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums is aiming to raise £10,000 as part of The Big Give Christmas Challenge, which runs from 12 noon, 28 November - 12 noon, 5 December 2023.
The money will help fund museum learning programmes which aim to benefit the wellbeing, educational achievements and aspirations of young people in the North East.
The Covid-19 pandemic meant two years of lost learning, reduced social interaction, and fewer opportunities for under 18s, with huge consequences for their educational successes and wellbeing.
The likelihood of young people struggling with their mental health has increased 50% since 2020.*
We believe museums can help to solve this problem.
Research proves that engaging with museums and galleries has a positive influence on young people. Children and young people who participate in arts and culture display positive behaviours, gain skills that improve school performance, and are more likely to report good health.**
Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums provides experiences to improve children and young people’s confidence, knowledge, skills and behaviour through its inspirational learning programmes.
Keith Merrin, Director of Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, said:
"This Giving Tuesday, we're launching our appeal to raise £10,000 to support our work with children and young people.
"Donations enable us to welcome 120,000 children and young people to our museums and art galleries each year. This is so important, especially at a time when many families and schools have less income to spend on days out.
"The great news is that anything you donate during the Big Give will be doubled thanks to match funding. That means one donation, twice the impact!
"Please donate and help museums give children and young people the very best start in life."
Click here to donate from 12 noon, 28 November - 12 noon, 5 December 2023
* Source: The Children's Society, Good Childhood Report 2022.
** Sources: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and A New Direction, The Arts in Schools: Foundations for the Future. The Social Biobehavioural Research Group, The Impact of the Arts on Population Health.
Watch our campaign film to see how your donation helps
Click here to donate from 12 noon, 28 November - 12 noon, 5 December 2023
Thank you.
Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums Development Trust is registered as a company limited by guarantee number 7334262 and is registered with the Charity Commission under charity number 1137867.