Gateshead Council Budget Consultation
Gateshead Council Budget Consultation
Gateshead Council are inviting residents, visitors, businesses, partners and employees to take part in a consultation until 6 January to gather views on their 2017/18 budget proposals.
Gateshead Council seek to reshape council services to meet the financial challenge over the next 3 years. It is estimated that there will be a funding gap of £92m by 2021/22 and specifically a £72m gap in the Council’s finances over the next 2 years.
One of the choices being consulted on is for the Council to consider reducing the level of its funding to the Shipley Art Gallery.
The Shipley Art Gallery opened in 1917 and provides access to high quality art, craft and design for the people of Gateshead and visitors to the area. It delivers a range of exhibitions and events, and works closely with local people and communities both in the Gallery and in venues across Gateshead.
A reduction in funding would have an impact on the services the Gallery can offer.
The public consultation will take place until Friday 6 January 2017. You do not have to live in Gateshead to take part in the consultation.
To provide your views on proposed reductions in funding to the Shipley Art Gallery, click here
To comment on the wider budget proposals, visit
Additional comments can be sent to Gateshead Council via email:
A consultation document ‘Our Massive Challenge’ is available in all Gateshead Council libraries and from Gateshead Civic Centre.
Comments can also be sent to Freepost COUNCIL NEWS (nothing else is required on the envelope)
Thank you for your continued support.